Wide-Grip Low Row

Techniques :

Sitting on the bench, legs hooked (knee slightly bent), back straight, rib cage open, slightly arching the lumbar region. Pull by bringing the bar down to the chest. Keep your gaze forward, fixing in point to make sure you keep your back straight during your pull.

When you pull, above all try to tighten your shoulder blades (bring the shoulders back)

Like all back exercises, your rib cage will need to be “popped out” during the positive phase of the exercise. You should not be flat or round at any time during the contraction (concentric).

Muscles worked:
Main: trapezius (medium), latissimus dorsi, teres major, biceps, triceps (long portion)
Secondary: shoulders, forearms, abdominals, lumbar

The low- row is first and foremost an exercise to work the muscles that tighten the shoulder blades, that is to say the rhomboids, middle and lower trapezius mainly.

But the lat dorsal as well as the teres major will participate strongly in the movement if you will look well in front by unhooking the shoulders during the negative phase.

You should know that you are stronger in neutral grip, because the arm (biceps, triceps and long supinator) is in the position where it is strongest (best compromise between these muscles).

Interest of wide-grip low row :

Excellent exercise to work on posture, straightens the back.

Danger / contraindication :

Care should be taken to keep the lower back slightly arched and not to give the torso too much momentum by moving it back and forth.

As well as not to fully extend your arms during the negative phase.