Sophrology can be practiced in almost all fields of application of human activity. It contains a rich heritage of methods that sophrologists use in different practices.
Here is a non-exhaustive list of the main applications in sophrology.
Self-confidence is an inner security that pushes and motivates us and is the result of a voluntary and conscious process.
This internal security is often undermined by the vagaries of personal and professional life.
Sophrology allows you to regain or strengthen this energy to believe in yourself and dare to project yourself into a happy future.

Stress is the name given to all efforts to adjust to our environment.
It is the body’s response to all requests, physiological or psychological, and particularly emotions.
Thanks to sophrology, you can learn to reactivate your resources and strengthen your positive capacities to face external aggressions and thus better manage your stress.
Whatever his practice and level, the athlete is a person who lives, who has emotions, experiences and happy and unhappy experiences.
The athlete loves competition, performance and surpassing oneself because sport is a perpetual challenge to self-esteem.
In the sports world, many agree that mental preparation is an important part of an athlete’s success.
In addition, the athlete knows the importance of physical, technical and tactical training. Sophrology training will therefore be easy for him to integrate.
Sophrology has its place in this preparation since it focuses on the whole person and not only on his or her practice.

Whatever the event to be prepared for, the physical and mental feelings are identical. The possibilities of Sophrology applied to mental preparation for sport, exams, professional challenges are useful for the following objectives:
– Preparation for the success of the competition, examination or challenge
– Reinforcement of motivation
– Improvement of gestures, memory skills, professional skills
– Acquire a better concentration
– Stress and fatigue management
– Recovery and rehabilitation assistance (for sport)
– Improve sleep
– Management of physical but also emotional pain
– Relaxation.
Work usually done with physical preparation.
Sophrology does not treat, but comes in addition to medical treatment. In cancer support, for example, Sophrology helps to improve treatment, reduce the impact of side effects or restore self-image.
In the case of fibromyalgia, it will reduce the intensity of pain and restore a quality of life on a daily basis.
In addition to these aspects, sophrology also helps to regain a certain vitality on a daily basis. *
It thus helps patients to mobilize the necessary energy throughout the entire care process.

Addiction generates behaviours that allow access to immediate pleasure while reducing the feeling of internal discomfort. It very often comes to reduce anxiety or fill a gap. Addiction leads to a state of physical or psychological dependence.
Addiction is nowadays recognized as a pathology and the sophrologist’s work will be accompanied by medical or psychological follow-up.
Sophrology will occur after the withdrawal period, in abstinence and must be practiced regularly if we want to measure its positive effects.
Sophrology can help you to:
Controlling pain
Channeling stress and anxiety
Reinforce motivation
Develop self-confidence and self-esteem
Reinforce your values
Projecting positively into the future.
It is clear that “sophrology does not make you lose weight” and sophrological work accompanies treatment and therapeutic follow-up (doctors, psychologists, dieticians, nutritionists…).
It will allow you to:
- Reconnect with the reality of the body by reconstructing the body schema
- Become aware of eating disorders
- Learn to eat conscientiously
- Work on the motivations and objectives of the action on your weight
- Integrate the success of your weight management.

Examinations, sports competitions or childbirth, these important moments in life sometimes require preparation.
Sophrology and all of its techniques will be used to learn to manage apprehension, mobilize one’s skills and become aware of one’s ability to experience these events in the best possible way.
Pain is a warning signal to our brain that something unusual is happening inside our body and that it needs to be fixed when it can.
Regardless of the type of pain and everyone’s ability to resist it, pain impacts the individual’s life physically, mentally, emotionally and socially.
The 3 factors that aggravate and intensify pain are: stress, anxiety, depression.
Sophrology allows you to act and manage common or moderate pain and you will be able to :
- Reduce stress and associated phenomena by improving heart rate, breathing, emunctories functioning….
- Fighting the source of pain
- Reduce anxiety
- Building self-confidence
- Increase the sense of security

Memory loss, lack of concentration, untimely or recurrent forgetting, loss of means are the consequences of stress, fatigue, lack of training or perhaps a pathology.
Sophrology will allow you to preserve your memory and improve your concentration thanks to :
Train your concentration
Improve memory
Improve memory
Oxygenate the brain
Refocusing on the present moment
Work on your optimism
Reinforce the perception of the senses
Evacuate tensions
Become aware and strengthen your memory and concentration skills
If you suffer from phobia, fear, anxiety in any form, sophrology can soothe and reduce the symptoms associated with these very disturbing disorders.
In parallel with medical follow-up, sophrology is an opportunity to neutralize the discomfort and irrational fear caused by the object or situation that triggers this condition.
Step by step, the process allows you to calm down and restore your insurance capital.
The link created with the Sophrologist operates in a progressive way and supports you to manage your emotions.
You learn patience through the sessions with the personal resources at your disposal, which helps to relieve emerging disorders (rapid breathing, increased heart rate, hot flashes, excessive sweating, dizziness, gastrointestinal disorders, nausea, diarrhea, sleep disorders, etc.).
In prevention or in a state of crisis, sophrology is a possible way to help you. With this in mind, in the office or at home – adjusted support allows you to reduce feelings of stress and fatigue by relieving your physical and psychological tensions.