Workout indoor or outdoor.
List of exercises :
Good courage and above all think of protecting yourself as much as possible.
Routine 1( Circuit training )
1 / Breathing with ur stomach :
Comments : Very simple exercise, You have 2 parts, 1st when you breath in you relax your stomach, when you breath out, you have to breath in your abs and contract them in the same time. Try to do this exercise during 3 or 5 min
2 / Breath with ur stomach ( one Stop between breathing and out ) :
Comments : The same Technic that the 1st exercise, but between the breath out and in , stay 2 second static ( do not move your abs ) .Try to do this exercise during 3 or 5 min
3 / Sit-up ( static) :
Comments : For this exercise makes sure that u low back is completely connected with the carpet. Tuck in your belly and contract it during all the time of the exercise.
Put your hands behind your head and make sure to keep ur elbows open. Contract your abs and stay pull up with ur thorax . think to breath in and out all the time during the exercise.
Try to stay statics during 20, 30, 40, 50 seconds, 4 sets , Resting time : 30 second
4/ Sit-up dynamic:
Comments : The same Technic but this time you’ll do it in dynamic. It means you have to chest up and down ur bust ( chest) . Breath out when ur chest up, Breath in when u return . 4 sets , 15 reps, Resting time 30 seconds
5/ The bridge ( static) :
Comments : Very easy to do this exercise. 1st be sure to have your feet close to ur butt, and have them parrallel . After that u have just to butt-up and tight your abs in the same time. Try to stay statics during 20, 30, 40, 50 seconds, 4 sets , Resting time : 30 second
6/ the bridge dynamic: ( easy to find), what to to 🙂 ):
Comments : 4 sets , 15 reps, Resting time 30 seconds
7/ Lower part of the abs:
Comments : For this exercise, the Technic is … 1 st you have to pull-up your knees as u can see on the video. After that the game is simple. Be focus on the low part of your abs and contract it, for to towards ur knees to your chest. Be careful about the range of motion of this exercise. Ur range of motion need to be short. Thinks to breath out when your contract ur abs. let’s enjoy now 🙂 .4 sets , 12 reps, Resting time 30 seconds
8/Abs with the high part and the Low part :
Comments : Easy … This time , you ll contract in the same time the upper and the lower part of your abs. , as you can see in the vidéo. As usual, think to breath deeper as you can when you brings the knees closer to your chest. 4 sets , 12 reps, Resting time 30 seconds
9 /Balance with one leg ( static):
Comments: On your knees and your hands , the back straight, u take a look on the ground, After that extend one leg and stay static during around 20 sec by leg. 4 sets. 20 seconds legs. Resting time : 30 sec
10/ /Kick-out :
Comments: For this exercise , you’ll take the same technic that upwards and have to do the exercise on dynamic. Tuck in your abs all the time during the session. the back straight, extend a leg and return and repeat until you finish ur reps
4 sets , 12 reps, Resting time 30 seconds
11/ Balance with one leg and one arm :
Comments: it’s a good exercise to work the deeps muscles of your back. Try to have your leg and your arm ( opposite to you leg) in the same level of your core. Then, stand up both and stay static arm and leg extended during around 20 sec. Try to do 4 sets. Stay static during 20 sec for every legs, resting time : 30 sec TO 1 min
12/ The plank :
Comments: Think to tuck in your abs, to be focus to contracte well, in the same time your butt and your abs. Your core must to be straight . Think to breathe in (with ur nose) normally and breathe out deeply ( with ur mouth). 3 sets , 15 seconds to 1 min . Resting time 30 seconds to 1 min
13/ On your belly rise one leg :
Comments: In this exercise, u just need to be sure to contract well your abs. after that u ‘ve to rise up one leg and change for the another one
14/ On your belly rise two legs :
Comments: the same as before, but this time. With 2 legs.
15/ On your belly, pull-up your bus:
Comments : This time you have to putt your hands behind your head, open ur elbows and pull-up your chest and return slowly. Think to breathe out deeply when you pull up your chest.
16/ Push Up.
Comments : Two options : One of them is on your toes, the back straight,the abs are tuck in and contracted : your arms need to be placed well ( a little wider than shoulder width ). bend your elbow ur chest go down and extend your arm to return. the other options is to the exercise on ur knees as u can see on the video. 4 sets , 6 to 12 reps, Resting time 30 seconds TO 1 min
Routine 2 ( the chair)
How are you ?
I’m going to give you a super simple exercise this time. The chair!!
This exercise strengthens our thigh muscles.
The technique is simple:
Close to a wall (like on the video), you spread your feet to the width of your hips. The exercise can be done at several levels. The principle is simple. Make sure to stick your back to the wall in 1. In 2 bend your knees according to the level of difficulty chosen. Make sure that your feet are about 10 cm from the wall.
From easy to difficult. What I recommend is to start with the easiest and then gradually you can increase the level.
To make the exercise more difficult, you will have to bend your knees more, so that your buttocks are at the same level as your knees.
Here is a small routine that I give you as an example:
Level 1 : 4 sets of 10 to 45 seconds; Recovery time: 30 to 60 seconds.
Level 2 : 4 series of 10 to 45 seconds; Recovery time: 30 to 60 seconds
Level 3 : 4 series of 10 to 45 seconds; Recovery time: 30 to 60 seconds
You will change levels when you have no more difficulty to finish your series.
Level 1 : Slight knee bend
Level 2 : Medium knee flexion
Level 3 : 90° bending of the knees
Good luck.
Routine 3
How’s the back?
This time, I suggest a very interesting little routine to work on your back. Especially the deep muscles of the back.
The interest of this exercise is to work on your posture, being aware of the position of your back in space. By strengthening the deep and superficial muscles of the back, so that it remains straight.
The name of this exercise is Round back, flat back.
You can do the exercise on a chair or on a medicine ball as you can see on the video.
Equipment: Chair or Medicine ball
On a chair, make sure you’re at the end of it.
Feet parallel. You will start with your back bent, looking towards the ground, then with a strong breath, you will straighten your back, thinking of enlarging yourself as much as possible.
Straight back, tighten your shoulder blades, tuck in your belly by contracting it, look ahead by fixing a point in order to preserve the posture of your back.
4 to 5 series of 1 min; 30 seconds of work straight back and recovery 30 seconds in round back.
Possible progression: increase the working time
Routine 4
Do you feel your muscles too contracted ?
This routine will help you to relax your muscles. I choiced for you muscles very interesting to stretch. Few advices :
During the stretching thinks to Breath in and breath out all the time.
Never stop your breath. Take your time , stretch muscles step by step. Do not schearch the pain.
Enjoy 🙂
Exercise 1 :
Stretching of the muscles of the front of the leg. Small precision not to confuse leg and thighs. Anatomically the leg and the part between the knee and the ankle.
Exercise 2 :
Stretching of the back and glutes
Exercise 3 :
Stretching of the back, glutes, thigh and front of the leg.
Exercise 4 :
Stretch of the Iliac Psoas, that is, a muscle that is sometimes responsible for back pain. Often stiff due to our way of life, it needs to be stretched most of the time.
Exercise 5 :
Ah the hamstrings !! These are to be stretched in 99% of people. It’s simple, if you can’t touch your toes (while standing), it’s because you need to stretch them. They too are often responsible for back problems.
Routine 5
Go for a little Abs routine ?
1st exercise. The crunch
4 options depending on your level of the moment!
Before starting: Remember to tuck in your stomach and breathe out strongly during the rise of the bust.
Routine :
Beginner level (Level 1): 3 to 5 sets, 10 to 12 reps; Recovery: 1min 30
Intermediate level (Level 2): 6 to 9 sets, 13 reps to 15 reps: Recovery: 1min
Advanced level (Level 3): 10 to 12 sets, 15 to 17 reps: Recovery: 45 seconds
Confirmed level (Level 4): 13 to 14 sets, 19 to 21 reps: Recovery: 30 seconds
Screen 1 (Level 1): Using your hands, you will grab each end of your mat, as in the video to perform your movement.
Screen 2 (Level 2): The most traditional technique, this time you have your hands placed behind your head or at your temples.
Screen 3 (Level 3): Hands placed on your shoulders, arms crossed.
Screen 4 (Level 4): Arms stretched upwards. Try to hit the ceiling 🙂
Go for a little Bonus.
Routine :
Beginner level: 3 to 5 sets, 10 to 12 reps; Recovery: 1min 30
Intermediate level: 6 to 9 sets, 13 reps to 15 reps: Recovery: 1min
Advanced level: 10 to 12 sets, 15 to 17 reps: Recovery: 45 seconds
Confirmed level: 13 to 14 sets, 19 to 21 reps: Recovery: 30 seconds
Screen 1 (Level 1): Still on your back, feet together and knees apart, you will extend your arms and pass them between your knees while you raise your chest.
Screen 2 (Level 2): Legs stretched vertically, point the toes down. Arms extended towards the toes, try to touch your toes with your hands.
2nd exercises, The obliques:
Routine :
Beginner level: 3 to 5 sets, 10 to 12 reps; Recovery: 1min 30
Intermediate level: 6 to 9 sets, 13 reps to 15 reps: Recovery: 1min
Advanced level: 10 to 12 sets, 15 to 17 reps: Recovery: 45 seconds
Confirmed level: 13 to 14 sets, 19 to 21 reps: Recovery: 30 seconds
The obliques, put one hand behind your head, the other hand will be extended towards your heel. Raise the bust and tilt sideways so that your hand goes to meet the heel (as in the video).
3rd exercises, The lower abs :
Beginner level: 3 to 5 sets, 10 to 12 reps; Recovery: 1min 30
Intermediate level: 6 to 9 sets, 13 reps to 15 reps: Recovery: 1min
Advanced level: 10 to 12 sets, 15 to 17 reps: Recovery: 45 seconds
Confirmed level: 13 to 14 sets, 19 to 21 reps: Recovery: 30 seconds
4 levels
Screen 1 (level 1): Raise your bust, bring your knees towards your belly, you just have to tilt the pelvis while trying to bring your knees closer to your chest (as in the video)
Screen 2 (level 2): Bring the knees towards the belly in the starting position. then stretch one leg one after the other like in the video.
If you feel it pulling in your lower back when extending the leg, pull your leg up in this case.
Screen 3 (Level 3): Bust raised and legs stretched vertically, you will descend one after the other your legs horizontally if possible. If you feel discomfort in your lower back during exercise, don’t lower your legs too low.
Screen 4 (Level 4): Always the bust raised this time, you imagine that you are on a bike, make pedal boat movements, without going too fast. 2 possibilities forwards or backwards (coaster)
4th exercises, Core exercise :
Beginner level: 3 to 4 sets, 15 to 30 seconds; Recovery: 1min 30
Intermediate level: 5 to 6 sets, 30 to 45 seconds: Recovery: 1min
Advanced level: 7 to 8 sets, 45 sec to 1 min: Recovery: 45 seconds
Confirmed level: 9 to 10 sets, 19 to 21 reps: Recovery: 30 seconds
4 Levels:
Screen 1 (Level 1): the traditional Bridge exercise, On your back, feet hip-width apart, you lift your glutes while thinking about the contracted, as well as your abs at the same time.
Screen 2 (Level 2): Same technique except that this time you will put an ankle on one knee while remaining static for 15 to 20 seconds to do the same with the other leg.
Screen 3 (Level 3): Same technique as the previous 2 exercises except that in this option you will extend a leg in the extension of the body. Working time: 15 to 20 sec static.
Screen 4 (Level 4): We don’t change the starting technique. Except that this time we are going to make the exercise more difficult by lifting the legs vertically.
Working time: 15 to 20 sec static alternating.
5th exercises, The plank :
Beginner level: 3 to 4 sets, 10 to 30 seconds; Recovery: 1min
Intermediate level: 5 to 6 sets, 30 sec to 1 min: Recovery: 1 min
Advanced level: 7 to 8 sets, 1 min to 1 min 30: Recovery: 45 seconds
Screen 1 (Level 1): On your knees, think about contracting your abs and fes
Screen 2 (Level 2): This time, you perform the traditional plank, the back straight, the body horizontal. Remember to contract the glutes and abs.
Screen 3 (Level 3): Same technique as the 2nd option except that this time you will raise one leg after the other, alternating every 4 to 6 seconds.
Routine 6
What about your chest ?
Welcome to my new free sessions, this time we’ll be focuses on the chest. I insist on saying you that the chest exercise is for all people.
There are several exercises for several level. You’ll find yours. Some of them have options.
Do not worry, I’ll tell you when it will be the case.
So it’s start!
Firstly we have the push-up on a wall. it’s probably the easier exercise to workout your chest.
Exercise n°1 : The Technical is simple. You start the feet parallel in the same level of your hips. The back straight and your look is front of you. install the position of your hands on the wall. the hand gap is a little wider than the width of your shoulders. Now your are ready to do the exercise. Oups! I forgot, during all the time , you need to tights your abs.
Flex your elbows slowly to approach your chest close to the wall, and return with an extension of your elbows. But do not extend at 100 % . Think to bend your elbows a bit at the end of your motion !
Routine : 4 or 5 sets, around 10 reps and 15 reps, Resting time : 1 min
Exercise n°2 : This one is a version easier of the traditional push-up.
You do it on your knees wit the butts raise as you can see on the video.
The rules are the same, li down your chest toward the ground and return with a little flex on ur elbows.
Routine : 4 or 5 sets, around 10 reps and 15 reps, Resting time : 1 min
Exercise n°3 : This time the exercise 3 is less easy than the exercise 2 because your hips are extended . In this position, it’s very important to tight your abs and butt in the same time , during all the exercices.
After that the rule is the same of the others exercises.
Routine : 4 or 5 sets, around 10 reps and 15 reps, Resting time : 1 min and 1 min 30
Exercise n°4 : Here we go … This is it! The traditional Push-up!
Same things that the number 3 except that you do the exercise with your both legs tense and on your toes . Abs and butt are tight during all the exercise, do not forget it 🙂
Routine : 4 or 5 sets, around 10 reps and 15 reps, Resting time : 1 min 30 and 2 min
Exercise n°5 :
This time for that the exercise be more difficult . you can but a chair or everything who could help you to elevate your legs as on the video.
The rules does not change.
Routine : 4 or 5 sets, around 10 reps and 15 reps, Resting time : 1 min 30 and 2 min
Exercise n°6 : This exercise will train you in two directions. Workout your muscles and your cardio-training.
Start stand-up , bend your knees slowly and touch the ground with your both hands. Begin to walk with your hands until enlarge your body at the horizontale. then you ll be able to do one repetition in Push-up.
Routine : 4 or 5 sets, around 10 reps and 15 reps, Resting time : 1 min 30 and 2 min
Exercise n°7 :The diamond push up is a variant of push ups which this form will have a more or less significant impact on your triceps than on your pectorals. In this exercise you need to towards your fingers in the center and touch them to form an losange as on the video.
The exercise will be done either on the knees, or legs stretched on the toes (more difficult).
Routine : 4 or 5 sets, around 10 reps and 15 reps, Resting time : 1 min 30 and 2 min
Exercises n° 8 and 9 : Variant of push-up with chairs.
Nothing changes, even if the range of motion is more interesting than traditional push-ups. . The variant with 3 chairs will give you a feeling of sensation so that you can ask for more! 🙂
The instructions do not change, they are the same!
Routine : 4 or 5 sets, around 10 reps and 15 reps, Resting time : 1 min 30 and 2 min
Routine 7
What about your Back?
Good morning all,
How are you ? I hope everything is going well. Here is a little back routine without equipment and with.
Of course before each routine, start with a warm-up of 5 to 10 min.
The routine is 4 to 5 sets of 10 to 15 reps for each exercise. Recovery time from 30 seconds to 1 min max between each series.
1 / Lie on your back, make sure to contract your abdominal throughout the exercise. With a towel rolled up between your hands, started with arms outstretched, gaze down (as in the video) bring the towel back to your chest (raising your head). During the pulling phase, make sure to tighten your shoulder blades.
2 / Rowing the inclined bust with options of material, bottle or elastic, but it can also be a dumbbell or other … In this exercise as in most exercises, the back must remain straight. Concentrate on your shoulder blades (remember to bring them together) when you make the pulling movement (elbow backwards)
2.1 / Same exercise with more amplitude and with the possibility of working with a more substantial load (ex: bag full of books), always with your back straight, this time if you work with your support leg slightly bent.
3 / Rowing back horizontally, knees slightly bent, with bottles, dumbbells, etc.
Again the secret lies in your ability to tighten your shoulder blades. This is what should initiate the draw movement.
3.1 and 3.2 / Are variations, technically nothing changes.
4 / With 1 elastic placed at the top of the door, you are sitting on your buttocks, the hooked legs (90 °), tilt the bust enough to feel real resistance in your abs, maintain balance to finally perform your drawing exercise. Always remembering to tighten your shoulder blades.
5 / Variation on the knees
6 / The sweater for working the back lengthwise. As in the video, position yourself well enough so that you can start with arms outstretched. the object of the game is to bring your arms towards your hips, or even a little further. In this exercise keep the contraction of your abs at the maximum